
'Dream big or go home' or what happens if you put hundreds of European female entrepreneurship ambassadors together in one room in Warsaw…

'Entrepreneurship. You are not born with it. You develop it by courage, self-confidence, attitude and by not thinking to climb the mountain but by actually climbing it'.

This was the first line I copied in my conference notebook as I knew ‘she’ was right and as I always say ‘when you’re right you’re right and you better write it down for it to be printed, not so much on paper, but into your head’.

Life in a day as a European Female Entrepreneurship Ambassador

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Besides some bills and the Ghent city magazine, a handwritten postcard fell out of my mailbox this morning. 'It was great meeting you', it said and it was signed by I., a female entrepreneur I've met a couple of days ago at a meeting for entrepreneurial women in Ghent. Despite my limited business experience, I had been invited to speak about my entrepreneurship in general and about Ghent-Authentic in particular. 

Kristel Vereecken botschafterin für weibliches unternehmertum


Im Jahre 2009 gründete die Europäische Kommission das Projekt „Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in Europe“, das Botschafterinnen aus zehn Ländern vereinigte.

Ende 2010 wurde das Projekt erweitert um zwölf europäische Länder, worunter auch Belgien. Gleichzeitig bat man mich ob ich als Rollenbild, als belgische Botschafterin für Unternehmensgründerinnen, anderen Frauen (und warum nicht auch Männern J) zur Inspiration dienen wollte den Schritt ins Unternehmertum zu wagen, und dies bis Ende 2012. (Klar wollte ich das).

Kristel Vereecken is Europees Ambassadeur voor het vrouwelijk ondernemerschap !


In 2009 lanceerde de Europese Commissie het project 'Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in Europe' dat ambassadrices uit tien landen samenbracht. 

European Female Entrepreneurship Ambassador !


Today it’s the 100th anniversary of international women’s day. Although it still takes quite some courage to start a business, it is nothing compared to the obstacles women had to face 100 years ago.

I am proud to announce that the European Commission engaged me as a role model, a European Female Entrepreneurship Ambassador, for so many intelligent, competent women out there who despite their often high level of education and resources, still believe they are not capable of running their own business. Of course they can!